More than 15 years of experience

Posiadamy zaplecze do projektowania i budowania maszyn (obróbka skrawaniem toczenie/frezowanie, spawanie, obróbka tworzyw sztucznych i szkła borokrzemowego). Masz problem z wytworzeniem prototypu? Zgłoś się do nas. Spróbujemy pomóc!

Chromatography software

LP-chrom is software dedicated for chromatography, including data collecting form detectors and controlling whole HPLC systems. Software is user friendly and was designed by people working with HPLC for years. Key features of program are controlled by only 9 buttons. Simplicity of usage allows to eliminate hours of training and learning available options of software. With LP-chrom after 15 min training you are able to start HPLC separation. Most important feature of LP-chrom is compatibility with devices from different companies (pumps and detectors): Knauer, Beckman, Kontron, Gilson and many other. You can build system i.e. with one Beckman pump, other from Knauer and detector from Kontron.

Its key features:

  • Collecting data from almost any device with an analog output: UV, UV-Vis, ELSD, refractive index detectors and older GC systems
  • Controlling number of HPLC systems (detectors and pumps): Beckman, Kontron, Knauer, Gilson etc.
  • Easy learning and operating
  • Ability to combine HPLC components from different suppliers
  • A compact USB powered converter for collecting two analog signals (2 channels version), controlling of pumps with voltage input and receiving start signal from manual injector or autosampler
  • To High Performance Liquid Chromatographs, controlled by LP-chrom autosampler and fraction collector can be connected
  • Compatibility with touchscreen of mobile devices, tablet or laptop
  • Adjustable size of icons and window appearance
  • Constantly expanded list of supported device

LP-chrom is a good choice for older HPLC systems, whose own software is unavailable, too expensive, incompatible with new computers, require special cards (unavailable, too expensive or not fitting to existing computers) or a complex operation makes them difficult to work. The possibility of combining components from different companies can work to rekindle to work your systems, which one component is faulty, and buying the same is impossible.

Read more about LP-chrom in article at

lp-chrom chromatography software




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laboratory equipment
laboratory equipment
chromatography software
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custom peptide synthesis